
Beautiful Hindu God Painting for Decoration

  • $ 1,380.00

1 In Stock

A pichwai painting is a vibrant, highly detailed artwork that has its roots in Indian culture and Hindu mythology. Typically painted on cloth, this particular pichwai painting features a magnificent temple at the center with devotees offering prayers and performing various rituals. Surrounding the temple are 78 different scenes depicting Hindu deity with devotees offering their prayers. The painting is created by professional Indian artists, who are renowned for their intricate and skillful artwork. The multi-coloured painting is richly detailed, featuring intricate patterns and designs that bring the painting to life. This pichwai painting is perfect for displaying in a prayer room or at a temple, where it can inspire devotion and provide a focal point for meditation and worship. It is also an excellent gift choice for special, festive, or auspicious occasions, allowing you to share the beauty and symbolism of Hindu mythology with your loved ones. Whether displayed in a private home or a public space, this pichwai painting is a stunning work of art that celebrates the rich cultural heritage of India.

  • Pack of one piece
  • Material: Cloth
  • As it Appears